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Party Political Ideology Of Sun Yat-sen Constitutional Practice Of The KMT

Posted on:2011-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D F XuFull Text:PDF
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Not only did Sun Yat-sen play a very important role in leading the Chinese democratic revolution in Modern China, he also made great efforts for the construction of the thought of politics and law. As a fusion of Chinese and western cultures, SunYat-sen's unique constitutionalism was the theorization brought up after long-term exploration to achieve national salvation and civil rights. The thought of party-governing was an important component of the constitutionalism and meanwhile the effective way to achieve it. This paper is mainly about the thought of party-governing and its effects on Kuomintang Constitutionalism Reform.The first chapter is to analyze the formation of the thought of party-governing, and in this chapter, its formation background and process. The thought of party-governing proposal was the profound reflection about the wrong trial on multiparty parliament under the influence of the Soviet Union's single party system in early Republic of China. Its formation repeatedly was composed by three stages, that was, stratocracy, political tutelage, constitutional government.The second chapter of the Sun Yat-sen's party is the government thinking of legal analysis. Through this chapter, this paper that although the party and in the West constitutional rule of primary value slightly discrepancies, but this idea really is in line with China's history and national conditions.The third chapter is to analyze the Kuomintang Constitutionalism Reform under the guidance of SunYat-sen's thought of party-governing in practice. The fact is admitted that at the very beginning, it achieved success in practice. And then, with the thought distorted, exploited, abandoned in the political tutelage and constitutional government stage, the nature of the Kuomintang Constitutionalism Reform was exposed gradually. The pass of the Guiding Principles, Administrative Organization law, and the Provisional Constitution in the Political tutelage time of the Republic of China, the pattern of administering a country by political party was established in China. But the thought, administer a country by political party that time, was fundamentally different from what SunYat-sen advocated. In constitutional government time, Kuomintang violated the thought of party-governing by passing the constitution of republic of China not returning the political power to the people thus making the administering a country by political party into administering a country by Chiang Kai-shek.The fouth chapter is to analyze the reflection and the reference of the failure of Kuomintang Constitutionalism. In terms of the two aspects mentioned, we can learn from the error experience that the Kuomintang replace the administering a country by political party with administering by men. And at last, there are some personal advices given to build up the Constitutionalism in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:SunYat-sen, Thought of party-governing, Constitutional government, Reflection and the reference
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