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Human Freedom And Liberation: On The Existentialism Of Marx's Philosophy

Posted on:2011-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360308481336Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx's philosophical studies were not theoretical or interpretative, but critical and reconstructive. Based upon human practice activities, Marx's philosophy explored the law of the development of human society and discovered human being's development from being-in-itself to being-for-itself, which initiated the researches upon human existence from new perspectives and in combination with the researches upon human practice. Existing in social relations and historical process, and involved in practice activities, human beings, in the process of living, continuously undergo self-denial and self-transcendence, and thus realize freedom and liberation. Human beings'practice is aimed at freedom and liberation which reflects the all-round development of human beings, and Marx's philosophical understanding on human existence is formed with the interaction and unification between human practice and freedom and liberation. This thesis, with relation to Marx's thoughts developed from Dissertation to Manifesto of Communist Party, examines the Existentialism of Marx's philosophy in terms of its origin, development and destination and probes into Marx's philosophy from the perspective of the Existentialism to define the development logic of the Existentialism of Marx's philosophy ---- from human freedom to human liberation.Dissertation demonstrates the possibility of human freedom through analyzing the atomic deflection movement and serves as the origin of the Existentialism of Marx's philosophy. The development of the Existentialism of Marx's philosophy is showcased by Introduction to the Criticism of Hegel's Philosophy of Right which explicates the theory of human liberation initially and endows the proletariat with the historic mission to realize the human liberation by complete revolution. The Existentialism of Marx's philosophy is further developed in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 which demonstrates the historic mission of the proletariat profoundly in terms of political economy and makes the theory of human liberation specific and explicates the fundamental feature of Communism. Manifesto of Communist Party expounds that the liberation of the proletariat equals to that of the oppressed and that the struggling target of the Communist party is to carry out the communistic association, which is correspondent with the destination of the Existentialism of Marx's philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Existentialism, Freedom, Liberation, Practice
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