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The Research On Ecological Moral Education In Ideological And Political Education For Contemporary College Students

Posted on:2012-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330335956513Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It's the necessity of the development of period to mix ideological and political education with ecological moral education, also is the necessity of the self-development of ideological and political education. The 21st century is mainly about ecological civilization. How to deal with the relationship between human and nature, how to achieve the harmonious development of them? The answer for these questions is the problem to solve the ecological crisis and to realize the long-term benefit. When comes to the relationship between man and nature, it's necessary to change the old attitude which treats nature as a slave, and establish a kind of moral relationship to it. We should bind and temper our behavior toward nature by moral, and that is ecological moral. The contemporary college students, as the constructer and successor of our nation in future, should build up the awareness of ecological moral and form this kind of quality. To achieve this goal, we need to carry on ecological moral education. And also we should give a full play to the function and impact of ideological and political education for contemporary college students, to achieve the organic integration of them. The total paper has 4 parts:Chapter 1:The meaning and research significance of ecological moral education in the ideological and political education for contemporary college students. Based on the basic concept of ecology, ecological moral, ecological moral education, this chapter tries to explain the meaning and significance of ecological moral education in the ideological and political education for contemporary college students.Chapter 2:The basis of ecological and moral education in the ideological and political education for contemporary college students. The analysis for this chapter includes two aspects, the theoretical basis and the practical basis. The theoretical basis includes the ancient and traditional ecological ethic thought of China, the ecological philosophy of Marx and Engels, and the ecological ethic thought of the forth Collective leadership; The practical basis includes the continuing deterioration of ecological environment, the domestic and international ecological moral education practice, and etc.Chapter 3:The purpose and principle and ecological moral education in ideological and political education for contemporary college students. This chapter constructs the ecological moral education in ideological and political education for contemporary college students mainly through the forming process of college students' ideological and moral character.Chapter 4:The contents and methods of ecological moral education in ideological and political education for contemporary college students. This chapter describes the problem through ecological values, ecological moral belief and ecological moral norm; focusing the effectiveness of education, this chapter raises the method and the way to carry on ecological moral education. They are mainly about classroom teaching, practice cultivation, environment edification, model demonstration and system guarantee.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, ideological and political education, ecological moral, ecological moral education
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