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Regional Identity Of The Third Generation Of The Third Front Workers

Posted on:2012-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the context of social change, regional identity of immigrants and their descendants is a major concern. It is not only a reference to individual actions, but also affect harmony and healthy development of social. Based on this, in this paper, I study the third generation of a Third Plant in Anhui, from the perspective of sociology, trying to explore the logical process of construction and the underlying causes of differentiation of regional identity.In this essay, theoretical perspective is identity theory. It believed that self-identification is the connection and power structure between social structure and individual behavior; Identity is always changes and it is the dynamic balance between individual's memory and present. Therefore, in the effect of multiple constructive subjects, individual shows various types of regional identity, such as Unit identity, hometown identity, place of residence identity, double identity. Because regional identity is the geographical and cultural identity as the carrier attached to the space of a sense perception, so it is bound to show some individual behavior and cultural characteristics, and reflected regional sense of belonging.The essay obtains, the reason why the third generation of the Third Front workers is confronted with plight of regional identity, the final analysis is social changes and remodeling and changes of social structure. On the one hand, in the process of changes from traditional society to a modern social, the living environment and lifestyle of the third generation changes, although they lost asylum of the primary group, but more freedom to experience the growth and use resources around to construct self-identity; other hand, the bound from urban-rural dual structure and the household registration system and the habitus lag caused by change of field, causing the dislocation of individual regional identity and sense of belonging, so that the third generation become the marginalized group between the two cities Nanjing and Hefei.
Keywords/Search Tags:regional identity, sense of belonging, social change, modernity
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