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Exploring Vocabulary Developing Strategies Based On Multimedia And Network

Posted on:2004-08-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360092493181Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The acquisition of vocabulary has long been felt to be a crucial factor in learning a foreign language. Vocabulary development of our high school students has long been a difficult problem in our country and this results in lower efficiency in foreign language learning at high school. This dissertation tries to discuss the use of the rapid developing multimedia and network technology in vocabulary enlargement in high school context.First the author discusses the significance of the rapid developing multimedia and network technology in relation to the vocabulary expansion of high school students from the perspective of reforming language teaching and learning under the guidance of modern educational technology; analyzes the importance to enlarge the students' vocabulary; raises the problems existing at present in traditional language teaching and learning at high school and considers it necessary to revolutionize this situation under the development of multimedia and network.After that, the author reviews the current vocabulary acquisition research; introduces some vocabulary developing strategies such as learning vocabulary in semantic field including hyponyms and hypernyms as well as collocations and developing vocabulary from contexts in reading together with oral and written communication. The author also provides a detailed survey on the relationship between teaching and learning vocabulary with the assistance of multimedia and network technology and tries to illustrate how to make good use of multimedia and network technology so as to facilitate the vocabulary expansion of high school students in the process of teaching. The author mainly explores how to use the search engine and hypertext link in websites and make proper use of the abundant corpus and actual vivid virtual cyberworld.Based on constructivist learning theories the author introduces the foreign language teaching and learning models including individual learning, cooperativelearning, classroom learning, Internet cooperative learning as well as virtual reality learning and presents the results of her experiment and teaching practice under the guidance of these models. She made the experiment based on individual learning model and it leads to some implications on teaching and learning vocabulary at high school. The author argues that the cognitive-process in vocabulary learning to be meaningful instead of mechanical favored in traditional views and suggests that both teachers and students should modify vocabulary expanding strategies. The author also proposes task-based teaching an immersion approach in vocabulary developing through network, appropriate modification of resources in network according to the students' level ; highlights expanding vocabulary through abundant reading.After analyzing the results of her experiment and practice, the author concludes that there's possibility of acquisition of vocabulary (instead of learning) even in foreign language study under the condition of multimedia and network technology and suggests both teachers and students should innovate their teaching and learning strategies tapping the fast developing teaching technology and network.The author also mentioned some disadvantages of network and problems of how to diminish such negative effects in order to arose people to do further research. It is worth noting that studying through network needs careful supervision, requiring good self-control and self-organization on the part of students.
Keywords/Search Tags:vocabulary developing strategy, multimedia and network technology, constructivist learning theory, authentic language surroundings, independent studying
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