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The Blending Of The Constructive Theory And The Multimedia Technology In English Teaching

Posted on:2007-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M XuanFull Text:PDF
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Constructivist learning theory claims that students'learning is the main significance of the initiative to build knowledge, teachers will only play the role of organizer and facilitator; Significance is in the process of studying,in the process of the world,in the process of self-examination and reflection. Constructivist learning theory based on the model of English teaching with multimedia context the world, individuality, and self-diagnostic features, it is able to meet the constructivist learning theory to learning English and learning environment.Multimedia assisted instruction means applying the information technology to the teaching of English as a foreign language. It is a new teaching model, which is of far-reaching significance of multimedia technology in teaching and application. In modern educational technology, the use of multimedia software in the field of teaching can bring about more satisfactory results. The rapid development of multimedia network technology will benefit multimedia teaching English as a technical platform. Constructivist theory and modern information technology and multimedia teaching system is gaining. Traditional classroom teaching in these conditions would be difficult to achieve the goal. Multimedia assisted teaching of English can better meet their conditions. Only by blending together the two can we form a rational and effective teaching system. Accordingly, this article discusses the theory, design and multimedia network technology in the teaching of English and other related issues.Based on the theory of constructivism, in exploration and analysis of the current high school English teaching in multimedia situation. It also reflects the multi-media teaching trend in terms of possible defects in order to facilitate more effective use of multimedia. Objective analysis and understanding of the traditional English teaching and integrating them with modern teaching of English demands us of attention to the following points:1. Multimedia is not to completely replace the traditional blackboard, but promote the "blackboard teaching" to a higher level.2. Teachers'classroom design should not rely solely on teaching tool. Teachers are organizers and guides. Multimedia transmission of relevant information between teachers and students is the means to an end.3. With teaching equipment updated, a critical question is whether the concept of teaching is accordingly updated methods have more appeal and vitality. By paying due attention to the above three points , we can be sure the integration of theory and practice will achieve a degree of perfection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Constructivist learning theory, Education information technology, Multimedia Foreign Language Teaching English, New aim-teaching theory
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