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Learning Chinese Through Lived Experience Is One Effective Way Of Chinese Accomplishment Attainment

Posted on:2004-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X N ChenFull Text:PDF
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Chinese is one of the most important subjects in primary and secondary schools, for the Chinese competence of a student not only influences his performance in other subjects but also greatly affects his communication with others in the society or the capability of his self-expression. Therefore, Chinese education is greatly expected by the society, which, however, forms a sharp contrast with the low efficiency of Chinese learning and teaching at present.As the author sees it, the reason for the low efficiency of Chinese learning and teaching is that we have regarded Chinese as a subject, knowledge or an instrument instead of an attainment of a person, which has resulted in the fact that Chinese learning and education is always limited in the teaching of language forms and skills rather than Chinese accomplishment attainment.The above is the background on which the author chooses the topic to discuss in this paper. The author claims that Chinese is an internal structure that consists of knowledge and ability with the core of speech, and that Chinese accomplishment attainment is individual and humanistic. In addition, one effective way of making Chinese accomplishment attainment is suggested in this paper, that is, learning Chinese through lived experience, which makes Chinese learning more helpful for attainment construction, knowledge internalization and transfer of capabilities.In the view of the author, the implement of Chinese learning through lived experience is the best way for students to have Chinese accomplishment attainment and the most effective way to carry out the quality education in Chinese learning and teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese learning, learn through lived experience, accomplishment attainment
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