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Study On Problem-inquiry Teaching Pattern On Physics In Middle School And Educational Information Processing

Posted on:2004-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M ZhengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study on information-processing, information-exchanging and feedback, and the study on information management are major concerns of the research on problem-inquiry teaching pattern. In this paper, based on Information-Processing Psychology and Educational Information Theory, making use of our secondary middle school teaching practice, investigation and studies, we do some research on educational information-processing theory of problem-inquiry teaching pattern.In the first part, we present the definition, essence and characteristics of problem-inquiry teaching pattern. In the second part, we present two basic models of problem-inquiry teaching pattern and the information operating model based on the models aboved. In the third part, based on the theory of cognition psychology, the structural model of information processing of problem-inquiry teaching pattern is set up, and our understanding on the rules on information processing of problem-inquiry teaching pattern is also presented. In the fourth part, the activity process on educational information transfering and feedback of problem-inquiry teaching pattern is discussed, we do some research on how to improve information feedback through evaluation. In the fifth part the management and organization system and characteristics of information operating of problem-inquiry teaching pattern are discussed.From the analysis in this paper, we conclude that the essence of problem-inquiry teaching pattern lies in the way to make a scientific 'discovery' . Problem-inquiry teaching pattern should comply with the rules of information processing and the rules of cognition . Only on condition of being in accordance with the rules of cognition of the students can problem -inquiry teaching pattern become the active scientific activity of the students. Teachers should make use of information exchanging , give on-line appropriate feedback , evaluation to promote the problem-inquiry activities of the students . On the class management of problem-inquiry teaching pattern , we suggest that we use the management way of students -participation , because not only will it bring about good-quality study effect , but also it will improve the feelings of responsibility and enthusiasm of the students.
Keywords/Search Tags:science, inquiry, information processing
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