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Mathematical Modeling Teaching Model Driven By Real Situation

Posted on:2005-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360122493974Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the technology and the progress of the society, mathematics application is becoming more and more important in every walk of life. People find that all things, which applied mathematics, have a common characteristic. That is, all applied problems need to be abstracted to mathematical problems which can be solved by mathematical methods. We give the course the name of mathematical modeling. Therefore, society development will necessarily demand a lot of persons with the ability of mathematical modeling, and mathematics instruction should respond for it. However, our middle school students are short of applied consciousness because of the worse infection of instruction for exam, and it's possible that they have no interest in the applied problems and the connections between mathematics and other sciences even if they became university students. Of course, it's not good for their work in the future, and it's also terrible for our modernization construction. Thus, our mathematics instruction is in urgent need of mathematical modeling teaching.Based on that cognition, this thesis proposes a mathematical modeling teaching model driven by real situation, which is in the background of situated learning theory and aims directly at the shortage of our mathematics instruction of middle school and the difficulties in mathematical modeling teaching. Moreover, this thesis designs and analyzes two cases to explain how the teaching models work.Generally speaking, the whole thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter One is reviewing and thinking of mathematical modeling teaching, to begin with, it review the history of mathematical modeling teaching, then it describes the actuality of mathematical modeling teaching in internal and external middle schools, and make a concise analysis of the difficulties in our mathematical modeling teaching in middle school. Finally, it puts forwards that the mathematical modeling teaching model driven by real situation is an important way to reform mathematical modeling teaching. Chapter Two is model construction, it firstly proposes a teaching model driven by real situation and analyzes its teaching essentials and design principles. Then, under the guidance of that teaching model, it builds a mathematical modeling teaching model driven by real situation and discusses its teaching design including such main aspects: 1) Creation of real and integrative situation of mathematics problem; 2) emphasis on the design of different level mathematics problem situation and task; 3) Providing rich learning resource; 4) Remobilization of teachers and students. Chapter Three is case design and analysis, it designs and analyzes two cases based on the same subject of 'Calculations in divided payments' to explain how to create the real situation and how to make students learn the relative mathematics knowledge and the mathematical modeling course in the mathematical modeling teaching model driven by real situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Situated Learning Theory, Driven by Real Situation, Mathematical Modeling Teaching
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