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The Study Of College Men's 400m Running Special Physical Active Ability Training Model In Huhhot

Posted on:2005-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360125955587Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
400m running is a typical competitive event,which is physique of dominated speed and belongs to sub-limit intensity periodic sports of physical active ability. The special physical active ability is the most important structure and the core of it is speed and endurance. The speed endurance of 400m running has the close connection with speed and strength, which results in the variability of training approaches and models. So choose and improve the training model becomes the important issue to the coaches and athletes.Compared with the special teams, the college sports teams have the limitation of training time, the chances of game etc. This requires the coaches to make the scientific training and improve the efficiency of training. Model training is one of the scientific training ways. To use the model training can decrease the blindness and increase the foresight and improve the effect of training.The thesis uses literature to analyses the 400m running model training of the world and our country. And uses the questionnaire and expert interviewing to analyses the special physical active ability training models of Huhhot's eight colleges' men's 400m running sportsmen and make the test on two of them and draw the conclusions as follows:1.The 400m running models of the world can be concluded into two types: the thesis call them comprehensive physical active ability models and specialphysical active ability models. The further one emphasizes the physical fitness, the training of endurance and power and combination running. The latter one emphasizes the combination of special ability and normal ability, the special training of intermission running which is shorter than the special phase and the high-speed strength endurance. Former Soviet Union, Russia and east-European athletes mostly use the comprehensive physical active ability model but European and American athletes mainly use the special physical active ability model.2. Our country's study on 400m running physical active ability is not systematic, which usually pays much attention to the indexes and analyses them only from the data. There is still long way to go on 400m athletes' physical active ability effective indexes , physical active ability training , game model, the way of analyses of the level of physical active ability and the applying of physical active ability training periodic model.There are two kinds of opinions on our country's athlete: one is that the speed is not good; the other is that the speed endurance is not good. The scholars who have the different opinions elaborate all kinds of problems of 400m running, which is good to the improvement of 400m running level.400m running has the high requirement of speed and speed endurance. So the ability of anaerobic metabolism and absolute speed should be payed much attention. But how to solve the athletes' ability of anaerobic metabolism is lack of measures and training ways. The thesis thinks this is the main reason of the backwardness of our country's 400m running.3. The training views , content arrangement and training ways of foreignexcellent athlete have great reference effect to our country's athlete's training. Because of the limitation of time, facility, the living level and medical controlling, it is hard to fulfill on the load intensity and load capacity etc.4. The 400m running special physical active ability models of Huhhot is affected by the former Soviet Union's training view, which mostly belongs to the comprehensive physical active ability training model, emphasizes the physical fitness and the special fitness training plays small part.5. The thesis analyses the men's 400m running special physical active ability of eight colleges in Huhhot and draws the conclusion: the 400m running special active ability training model of the Physical Education Institute of Inner Mongolia Normal University belongs to the special physical active ability training model type, which can improve the 400m athletes' heart and lungs function and the ability of anti-lactate. And it is su...
Keywords/Search Tags:Huhhot, 400m running, Special physical active ability, Model, Ability of anaerobic metabolism
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