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A Research State On The Mathematics Teacher Education In Rural LongNan City

Posted on:2006-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Professionalization of the teacher is the historical requirement of modern education development, the important symbol of the modernization of education, and the common aim of the whole world. Nowadays, the professionalization of teacher has been attached unprecedented importance. Foundmental education reform, which is centering new curriculum reform , seriously challenges the teachers ' professionalism. How to effectively develop teachers' professionalization, so as to meet the needs of quality education, has been an urgent problem.Beginning with approaching the inner meaning of mathematical teachers' professionalization based on new curriculum reform, the paper is discussing the structure of the mathematic teacher' professionalization and the current situation and problems in the study on developing mathematic teachers' professionalization. After investigating the basic qualities of the teachers in primary and middle schools in longNan rural area, the paper analyze the existing problems of mathematics teachers' education in longNan rural area in system, idea, training content, trainer, etc. And some proposition is put to the teaching concept, content, model of the primary and middle school teachers in longNan rural area, on the basis of understanding what mathematics teachers exactly need in teachers education, promoting teachers' comprehension of new educating and teaching concept to improve teaching situation.The research on the mathematics teacher education in western rural area could make us realize further the essential qualities a mathematic teacher should have so that they could carry out pre-service education and in-service training more effectively and establish their own major direction. In a word, the paper aims at being helpful to mathematic teachers' educating and teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:mathematics, teachers' education, professional development, model
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