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Study On The Countermeasure To The Problem Of Student Management Of Multicampus

Posted on:2007-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z OuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mushrooming in Mainland China since 1992, multicampus has become an important phenomenon as a result of the national tendency for combination of higher educational institutions, which differs from foreign State-owned multicampus in respect of subjective relationship, management mode as well as functional mechanism. To be honest, Chinese multicampus has remained at its early stage in development , with certain problems which can not be ignored. Compared with single-campus, those merging universities see great challenges on student management. It is more difficult and complicated due to the following factors: separated campuses giving a boost to students' communication and activities;rising management cost;limitation of present student management system;clash between existing concepts of student management;campus-culture shock;lack of sense of belonging, etc. It is important for us to come up to meet the requirement of the new situation, making persistent effort to improve student management in multicampus.In order to help cultivate future talents for society, we must probe into these problems. It is true that change of objective environment and the subjects of the managementcontribute to the existence of problems. However, the writer points out, the principal part of student management, being unaware of the characteristics of multicampus student management, fail to establish the proper managing system, mechanism, ideas and methods.Based on the analyses above, the author proposes that we should try hard to set up new organization system as well as functional mechanism of students management, to adapt an open-minded management concepts, to establish fresh campus culture and to share the educational resources and to modify the working methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:multicampus, student management, substantive merger
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