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On The Development Of English Reading Proficiency For Senior High School Students

Posted on:2007-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B J WeiFull Text:PDF
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The concrete demand of reading comprehension competence in English to senior high school students has been put forward in the Teaching Syllabus of English for Senior High Schools , in the College Entrance Examination and in the newly-published New Curricular Standards as well. Yet ,. it is a common question that reading competence which can embody students' integrating capacity of using English , to a certain extent, is extremely weak , in senior high schools , so I have made positive explorations and researches on how to develop the students' competence of reading comprehension in senior high schools in this paper .The current commonly-existing question in the teaching of reading and the students' demands of teaching of reading has first been raised. On the basis of Schematic Theory and Theory of Reading Models and their implications to teaching of reading , along with the specific objectives of students' competence of reading comprehension in the College Entrance Examination and in the New Curricular Standards , I have courageously tried out the effective means and experiments of developing students' ability of reading comprehension. Furthermore , the scientific statistics of the trial results fully state that the widest improvement of students' capacity of reading comprehension is undoubtedly feasible so long as teachers of English in senior high schools devote themselves to the study of reading theories , dig into teaching assiduously and blaze new trails boldly .
Keywords/Search Tags:Competence of reading comprehension, Schematic Theory, Theory of Reading Models, Teaching of Reading, Reading Skills
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