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Research On The Educational Guiding Principle Of The Chinese Communist Party Before 1949

Posted on:2008-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B C HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360215492411Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The guiding principle of education in the early years of CommunistParty was inherently related with the educational guiding principlethoughts of the communist intellectuals around May 4th New CulturalMovement. Especially, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Mao Zedong,YunDaiying and others, made enormous contribution in establishing theeducation platform in the early stages of the Party to provide theoreticalpreparation for its practice, which stands as a glorious part in educationhistory of China.During 1921-1949, in line with the development of the socialsituation, the CCP worked out a of education principles andpolicies and implemented them with great effort. There are three stages ofthis process with regard to three important periods in Chinese history,namely, the foundation of the Party, the foundation of the Regime and thefoundation of PRC. The first stage dates from the foundation of the CCPin 1921 to the foundation of the Chinese Soviet Republic in 1931, with aneducation platform as theoretical guide for practice, which was made bythe successive Party Congresses from the l sth to the 6th. The secondstage dates from the foundation of the CSR in 1931 to the publication ofMao Zedong's On New Democracy in 1940, during which the Partyannounced and implemented a guiding principle for cultural education inSoviet Area and Shan-Gan-Ning Border Region. The third stage datesfrom 1940 to 1949, during which the Party put forward the guidingprinciple as "National, scientific and Public" and thus extended itspractice until 1956. The development of the guiding principle of education before theestablishment of New China is a process of gradual evolution. It took itsrough form from the educational guiding principle thoughts of the earlycommunist intellectuals, and then stepped in the overall programmes inannual Party National Congresses in 1921; it was presented as acommunist idealism after the Soviet Regime in 1931; In 1940, MaoZedong combined Marxism general theory with Chinese specific practice,and proclaimed the educational guiding principle and theoretic foundationduring the New Democracy Revolution, and then realized to overstep theold Three People's Principle and its educational principle. Until in theSeptember of 1949, this guiding principle was stated definitely in TheCommon Outline, and extended its function after the establishment of theNew China. Twenty-eight years of evolution demonstrates a spinaldevelopment of this guiding principle with valuable experience and bitterlessons. It provides historical reflection and enlightening insight for thetheory and practice of the present guiding principle of education.
Keywords/Search Tags:before the establishment of New China, CCP, the guiding principle of education, the guiding principle of the Soviet cultural education, the guiding principle of New Democracy Cultural education
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