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Study On Gender Role Socialization Of Middle School Students

Posted on:2007-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study aims to explore related problems of middle school students'gender role socialization through questionnaire survey, and the subjects are the students of four classes in Diaobingshan NO.1 Junior School. The formal questionnaire is designed based on interview and predictive questionnaire. The factor analysis results of sex role inventory in the questionnaire are given,and populations viewpoints on gender characteristics of boys and girls are investigated using sex role inventory, including parents, teachers and students. The current statuses of communication between three populations on the problem of students'gender-role socialization are investigated, and interaction influences of three populations are explained according to the symbolic interactionism. A new viewpoint of feedback and interaction is presented based on feedback idea of control science, the person and personal environment are explained to be two-component structure. and the personal action process is considered a feedback regulation process。The positive feedback phenomena of population are addressed according to ant colony algorithm, and the feedback and interaction structure of multi-populations is constructed to describe students'gender-role socialization process.The conclusions as following:1. There are obvious gender differences between boys and girls. The viewpoints of parents, teachers and students on gender characteristics of boys and girls are significantly consistent, and they all have gender stereotype in some degree.2. The willingnesses of three populations to communicate are obvious, and the willingnesses to communicate among students are more obvious.3. Parents and Teachers communicate with students as supervisor, and they keep strict hand over the students.4. The students'gender-role socialization process can be explained by feedback and interaction viewpoint. The students adjust personal decision under the feedback and interaction between multi-populations to adapt themselves to the change of situation, and they complete their gender-role socialization processes finally.According to above study, some suggestions are offered to parents, teachers, students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gender role, Socialization, Sex role inventory, Feedback and Interaction
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