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A Study On Constructing The Social Security Pattern Of The Land-losing Peasants

Posted on:2008-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H ZhuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This text discusses the possibility of constructing the social security new pattem, byanalyzing the social security conditions of land-losing peasants and typical examples ofthe existing security mode. The article guides with theories of need layer and land changesecurity as the researches instruction. Analyzing the social security current situation ofland-losing peasants from the economical, political and cultural benefits, another aspectreveals the social security rights and interests lacking for the cause from the angle ofsystem, corpus, object and inner, external cause, choosing four existing typical models tocomment on social security mode of land-losing peasants. Through analysis research, thearticle puts forward the initial speculation on social security mode of land-losing peasants,with the foundation of social security particularity and the basic principle of patternconstruction by discussing social security of land-losing peasants. In constructing thesystem pattern, the text draw the excellent place to construct the new pattern, taking thatland change security as characteristic "Jia Xing pattern "and making an overall runmechanism as characteristic "Cheng Du pattern". In order to guarantee new modeconstruction, attempts from some aspects to put forward a policy suggestion about socialsecurity system that land-losing peasants' land circulation, lost territory participates inmechanism, the legal of social security in rural area, the funds on raising and managingmechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:land-losing peasants, social security, security pattern, land change security
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