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Representing Of Masculinities

Posted on:2010-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study of Gender and Mass Media has wide attention for a long history as a subject by the media and feminist researehers. Scholars find that there exist Symbolic Annihilation about portrayed women in current male-dominated media.However, since 1990s, the booming of men's fashion magazines has become an outstanding cultural phenomenon in west. Scholars began getting aware that men were also suffered a lot for Sterotypes. And they had a wide discussion about Masculinity Crisis.30 years later, the same thing happened in the magazine market of China. The men's fashion magazines in China had an expansion as well. With the help of those new theories and research findings from western academic community, Scholars in China also started paying attention to those men'a fashion magazines, and Masculinities which were represented by them.The author would like to study on the covers of ESQUIRE, which has the history of 15 years ago, and to base the study on the sociological perspective and approach it as a discursive construction, in order to find out the Masculinities representing by thonse magazines, and the framework hiding under them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gender, Stereotypes, Masculinities, construction, men's fashion magazine
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