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Influence Of Early Warning On Estimation Of Individual Quantity Under Anchoring Condition

Posted on:2016-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330473462256Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Numeric estimates are influenced by a variety of factors including the presence of individual differences and numeric anchors. So there is bias in the estimated number of process exists. This paper exploratory anchored to study under different conditions of warning to estimate the number of individuals affected and find some clues and laws, which can improve the speed and accuracy of amount estimation.This study consists of two parts of three experiments:a preparation experiment and two formal experiment. Preparation experiment is a simple single factor experiment subjects.It’s main purpose is to determine the effectiveness of formal experiments material, render time and the level of anchor.A formal experiment uses a semantic priming paradigm to study under the condition of traditional anchoring effect on early warning, high and low anchor value,and the estimated number of professional individuals with different gender differences.The first experimental results are as follows:First, the difference between the value type anchor:Size judge and answer anchor reaction conditions at low speeds significantly faster than the speed to be at high anchor conditions.Second, the differences between the groups with or without warning anchor:the reply speed without warning anchor guidance language group was significantly faster than the speed warning has answered anchor guidance language group.Third, gender differences:1) ①At high anchor conditions, subjected to size determination of the speed of women is significantly faster than males; at low anchor conditions, women subjected to size determination of speed is significantly slower than males; ②Men under conditions of high anchor size is determined speed to be significantly slower than the size of the anchor is determined under conditions of low speed; and no significant difference in the level of the female anchor size determination of the speed condition.2) Under the condition of high and low anchor,answer reaction rate of women are significantly faster than the male answer reaction rate, the gender difference was significant; male answer reaction rate at high anchor conditions is significantly slower than answer the reaction rate at low anchor conditions.Fourth, the professional background of difference:there is only guidance language warning anchor anchor conditions set high, answer reaction rate is significantly faster than the liberal arts science. No anchor science in answer speed warning guidance language group was significantly faster than the anchor warning guidance language groups.These studies found no anchoring effect, in order to further validate the impact on non-symbolic number of symbols estimated quantities,the second experiment uses a numerical priming paradigm to study in early warning,low anchor values anchoring conditions on the basis of non-symbolic discrete estimated number of points as well as the impact of different sex with a professional individual differences.Experiment 2 results are as follows:First, anchor value type difference:under high anchor,estimates were significantly higher than the estimated value of the low anchor conditions,prove that the anchoring effect. Second, the differences between the groups with or without warning anchor: under the condition of high and low anchor, the reaction rate without warning anchor group was significantly slower than the reaction rate warning with an anchor group.Third,there is no significant difference between genders and professional background.Based on the above research results, finally get the following results:1) The difference between the value type anchor:① No estimate of the number of non-symbolic anchoring effect under typical conditions for anchoring, anchoring effect apparent in the foundation anchoring conditions.Description of the non-symbolic number of estimated symbol values more easily than non-symbolic value caused by anchoring effect.② The level of the number of non-anchor symbol under basal conditions anchored estimated response rate has no effect on the number of non-anchor symbols typical reaction conditions, the estimated impact speed.Between non-symbolic values indicate more easily than among non-symbolic and symbolic value caused by the size of the effect.2)Early warning and the condition of typical anchor foundation anchor conditions,have no effect on the number of non-symbolic value and its reasonable estimate, but has the opposite effect on the estimated speed under two conditions.Description warning does not eliminate the anchoring effect, but it will affect the estimated speed.3)The gender differences in performance only under typical conditions on the non-symbolic estimate and answer the estimated size of the judgment on the reaction rate.Prove the existence of gender differences in non-symbolic numerical estimate speed.4)The only difference between the performance of professional background under typical conditions anchor on the on-symbolic estimated of the reaction rate.Non-symbolic numerical estimate of the speed of affected individuals experience knowledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Numeric estimates, anchoring effcts, forewarning, individual difference
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