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China 's Local Government' S Foreign Relations From The Perspective Of The Relationship Between

Posted on:2015-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Against the backstop of globalization, non-state actors’action in the internationalcommunity has drawn wide attention from the academic field. Researches on the localgovernments’ interaction with their foreign counterparts are on the rise. From theangel of central-local government relations, this paper examines Chinese localgovernments’ external relations, which are practiced under the background of reformand opening-up domestically, and globalization in a broader sense. China’s deepeningreform and opening-up has accelerated decentralization of fiscal power andgovernment power, a premise on which the local governments can act independentlyin the international arena while receiving material guarantee and incentivemechanisms from the central government. However, on the other hand, the increasingautonomy of the local governments unavoidably exerts negative influence on thecentral-local relations. Therefore, under the condition that fiscal power and executivepower consistently coexist, an institutionalized“decentralization of diplomaticpower”is urgently called for. It is only by joint efforts that a win-win situationdominated by the central government could be achieved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Central-local relationships, The reform and opening-up policy, Localgovernments, External contacts, Win-win situation
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