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A Study On The Terrorist Organizations Of Xinjiang 's Neighboring Countries

Posted on:2014-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The People’s Republic of China is a united multi-ethnic country and Xinjiang is an inalienable part of China’s territory from ancient times. Xinjiang began to face increasingly serious threats of terrorism since the1990s, and terrorist organizations which threaten Xinjiang mainly active in Xinxiang’s neighboring countries. Xinjiang-Related terrorist organizations which are consisted of "East Turkistan" terrorist organizations and other terrorist organizations threatening Xinjiang have become the major threat of Xinxiang. The majority of existing literature does not satisfactorily describe and analyze the threat of terrorism facing Xinjiang for paying insufficient attention to the terrorist organizations other than "East Turkistan". While a few studies touch upon these non-"East Turkistan" organizations, a sound understanding of the interconnectedness among these organizations is still missing. We argue a systematic research program of Xinjiang-Related terrorist organizations can provide a basis for better anti-terrorist actions. This paper contains five parts. Chapter1analyzes the terrorist situations around Xinjiang and categorizes Xinjiang-Related terrorist organizations into two groups. Chapter2and Chapter3proceed by further discussions of the two groups. Then Chapter4uncovers the features and trends of these terrorist organizations, and focus on the networks of Xinjiang-Related terrorism. The final chapter provides some policy suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:East Turkistan terrorist organizations, terrorist organizations, Xinxiang’s neighboring countries, Xinjiang-Related, Counter-terrorism
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