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Research On The Behavioral Association Pattern Between Foreign And Domestic Terrorist Organizations Based On Cooperation Network

Posted on:2018-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330623950665Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mining the terrorist organizational behavior pattern is an important research content in the field of anti-terrorism.The main idea is to monitor and discover the relationship between terrorist organizations.The study of the relationship pattern between terrorist organizations is an important link in the early-warning of terrorism,and the results of the research can provide concrete method support and action reference for an effective anti-terrorism practice.Currently,terrorist activities have been presenting some new features,which is believed to bring greater challenges for anti-terrorism research and practice.To address these questions,this paper aims at studying terrorist organizational behavior pattern.First,based on the information extracted from open source,the cooperative network of the terrorist organization is constructed under the mutual influence and cooperative actions among them.Second,the idea of link prediction is introduced to further determine and update the network.Third,with the approach of frequent pattern mining,the terrorist organizational behavior pattern on the cooperative network is investigated.Results show that the proposed method of mining relation behavior among terrorist organizations has a certain degree of feasibility and validity.Finally,based on the content and conclusions of this paper,as well as the China’s actual circumstances,some countermeasures and feasible suggestions towards anti-terrorism are put forward.The main research work and contribution of this paper are as follows:1.An inter-organizational cooperation network based on organizational relationships is constructed.Based on the cooperative relationship between the terrorist organizations,a basic network of inter-organizational cooperation is built by SNA.Besides,link prediction method is applied to improve and update the cooperative network.2.The relation pattern between terrorist organizations at home and abroad is extracted.The method is based on frequent pattern mining and expands the research paradigm of terrorist organization behavior,which can help to understand the cooperative relationship between domestic and foreign terrorist organizations and the rules of those organizations.3.Some countermeasures and suggestions to deal with domestic terrorist activities are put forward.This paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions to improve the behavior of terrorist organizations in our country and enhances the pertinence in the practice of counterterrorism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Terrorism, Open Source, SNA, Behavior Pattern Mining, “East Turkistan” Terrorist Organizations
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