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The Theoretical Prospect Of "Cross - Straits Cross - Straits Joint Action Against Crime And Mutual Legal Assistance"

Posted on:2013-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C QianFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The signing of the "Cross-Strait Joint Crime-Fighting and Judicial Mutual Assistance Agreement" is an adaptation to the needs of collaboration and judiciary assistance between cross-straits. It established a direct and official relationship between the judicial departments. The signing also greatly contributed to the connection of public security system between cross-straits, especially in combating crime. Looking ahead, a cooperation framework to combating crimes which is institutionalized, guaranteed and regular will definitely broaden the criminal judicial assistance between cross-straits. To achieve the goal of win-win, setting up specialized agencies and regular meetings is very necessary. At the same time, training programs, cooperative actions in key areas, sharing mechanisms in crime information will also help to improve the efficiency against crimes and eventually bring about a bright prospect.However, after the signing of "Cross-Strait Joint Crime-Fighting and Judicial Mutual Assistance Agreement", several obstacles and problem are still remains in execution. How to fulfill the positive value of the agreement and prevent the dysfunction in execution is an essential topic. This article focused in how to perfect the execution of the agreement and the cooperation in combating crimes. Meanwhile, high attention was also paid to telecom fraud crime, which is frequently occurring recently, as to improve the cooperation efficiency between cross-straits through such protections and surveillance.
Keywords/Search Tags:cross-strait, joint crime-fighting, mutual agreement, prospect of the theory
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