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An Analysis Of The Legal Problems Of Financing Of Assets

Posted on:2014-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the transfer of income right, as a new means of financing, is widely used in the financial market. Based on to the flexible contractual arrangements and transaction structure design, the illiquid assets have been released in microfinance, real estate, hydro, electricity, highways, and other various types of financing demand enterprise. In particular, in order to the use of the financial asset exchange platform and Trust Company Capital Trust scheme as a financing channel is staggering. Income right, however, as the subject of the purchase of the trust scheme, the legal nature or the transferability has not been fully demonstrated, and the attendant is the implied risk due to unclear legal nature.The main purpose of this paper is to conduct fully study on the legal nature of the income right on assets and its transferability, reveal the implied legal risks and make recommendations to the maximum extent possible to protect and facilitate the relevant transactions. This paper will be divided into three sections to discussion, the first chapter, argumentation of the nature of the income right from a legal point of view manifests itself in a future debt; the second chapter discusses the transferability of the income right, and the effect to a transfer time; the third chapter reveals the possible risks in assets trading and make recommendations.In the Chinese financial markets with unsmooth financing channels, the financial innovation is to ensure the liquidity needs of the real economy and a key factor in promoting economic development, it reflects the important role of the law to safeguard the economy, where to ensure that financial activities are carried out on the basis of legitimacy and compliance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Income right on assets, Transfer of income right, Financial innovation
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