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A Study On The Moral Construction In The Process Of Enforcing The Police At The Basic Level

Posted on:2016-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330470450169Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the national grassroots public security organs have cracked down on illegaland discipline grassroots policemen, continued to strengthen legal education, regulated thebehavior of police enforcement, established and improved the supervision mechanism of policeenforcement. However, the illegal and discipline phenomenon of police enforcement is stillemerging. In the enforcement process of individual policeman, existing the phenomenon ofmoral failure, weak sense of service for the masses, abuse of power, rough law enforcement,brutal enforcement is serious, failure to abide strictly enforced, the law is not reserved. Part ofthe policemen ideals and beliefs landslide, weak sense of purpose, weak sense of law, the lawenforcement process exists favoritism, bribery, bribery, violation of the law. The legal knowledgeof grassroots policemen is improved continuously, while the phenomenon of illegal anddiscipline endless. The reason of moral aspects: First, moral failure in the enforcement process ofgrassroots police; Second, the existing People’s Police Ethics is imperfect, not make specific,workable ethical requirements to law enforcement of grassroots public, not establish matchingmoral evaluation, moral supervision, moral incentives and other support mechanisms. This isclosely integrated with the Law and Morality demands that deviates from the grassroots police inthe enforcement process, to do justice according to law enforcement and law enforcement, moralconstraints can not be missed.Under the double requirements of rule by law and rule by virtue, in order to strengthengrassroots police ethics enforcement process building, we should establish and improve thepeople’s police and law enforcement related to compliance and enforcement of the legal systemof supervision; established strict and complete law enforcement supervision mechanism;establishment of grassroots police ethics enforcement process evaluation mechanisms; improvethe enforcement process of moral restraint mechanism; strengthen moral education for policeenforcement process and so on. In short, autonomy and heteronomy, ethical systematization andsystem ethics should be combined, relying on the strength of the whole society, and concertedefforts of the whole society to strengthen grassroots police enforcement process of moralconstruction, so that the grassroots police truly "to enforce the law, law enforcement people."...
Keywords/Search Tags:public security police, law enforcement process, Moral construction, Countermeasure research
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