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An Analysis On Marine Economy Of Beibu Bay In History

Posted on:2012-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y XingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330335963752Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Beibu Bay used to named as Gulf of Tonkin, Guangnan Bay, which is east to Leizhou peninsula and Hainan island, west to Vietnam and north to South China. There are a large group of islands here. Ocean development gradually began to rise since Lingnan started into the imperial during Qin and Han dynasties. In Ming and Qing dynasties, Beibu Bay is surrounded by Lianzhou, Leizhou, Qiongzhou and Gaozhou. The local residents engaged both in Marine economy and land economy, and they also try to realize and take advantage of ocean. During the Age of Sail, the utilization and cognition for the Chinese about the oceans are expanding continuously. However, due to the implementation of ocean policy by the Ming and Qing government, the government, residents, pirates, Sea Traders made counterbalances and influences to each other. In the history of ocean development, the government has never stopped its influence but provided guidelines and standard, thus it will be a great useful for us to get a full sight of the social in Chinese ocean that discussing about activities and interactions from different main parts who living in this sea area.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beibu Bay, Ocean development, Ocean fishery, Island
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