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The Research On The Personnel's Salary System Of Factor-compared Method In SW Group

Posted on:2007-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360185957772Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today, the focus of the competition concentrates on the human resources especially on the use of human resources. The human resources have been the strategic strength that supports the continued development of company. The human resources management transforms the current management into the strategic management. How to design the scientific and reasonable salary and welfare, how to attract and stay the talents are the key work of the development strategic long-term. After china joined the WTO, the companies are faced to the more acute talent compelition is the talent system competition in the final analysis. the effective competition system can attract the excellent talents and give play to their potentiality. Among the talent system, the salary system is the plan which makes the strategic goal into the practical action and guides and inspires them to implement the, for our companies and managths, how to establish the salary system which fits in with the needs of development and how to follow the salary management, it is an important problem. so, to one companies, how to set up the practicable salary system has become the most important and urgent and arduous task. Enterprise's achievement has a direct relationship with reasonable salary system and management mechanism. Without scientific compensation system,It's difficult for a enterprise to acquire success.SW group, a large state-owned enterprise covering businesses of diversion, water treatment, water supply and wastewater treatment. was set up on April 13,2000 under approval of the Changchun Municipal Government. The group has four water works and its daily water treatment capacity is 1,020,000M3. The hydrant water produced by the group is mainly supplied to the urban areas of Changchun City, in which there are about 2,000,000 serviced...
Keywords/Search Tags:Compensation Administration, Salary Design, Station, Salary Point, Wage
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