With the revolution of power industry and development of power system, transmission open access will be the necessary period of the development of power market. However, transmission congestion in the transmission market will become a crucial factor which seriously impacts the safety of network and the invariability of the sales price. As a tool of evading market risk, transmission right offers a resolvent and market tool to transmission congestion from a bran-new angle and becomes foucs.This paper summarizes research and practice of foreign regulation of transmission rights, systematically introduces concept and categories of transmission rights. analyses the mechanism of its risk evading.In this paper, Point to point financial transmission right and flowgate transmission right are illuminated detail, auction and compensation and disadvantages are presented. In this situation, a hybrid transmission right introducing insurance principle is presented. It avoids risks from transmission congestion by buying insurance of energy contract, doesn't have the right to use transmission lines and have no impact on market power. When market participants have bought this transmission right according to Premium rate, they would receive compensation as soon as transmission congestion took place.Meantime, this paper also analyses transmission rights' influence at the field of market power and transmission investment in electricity market, mainly at generation company and Grid Corporation. They who have the transmission rights would impact on the price, cause congestion and gain high profits by using market power, which impacts seriously on the transmission right market. Therefore, regulation index system are set up based on the feature of generation company and Grid Corporation. The regulation indexes of generation company are identified from respects of price, capacity and information of transmission right while the regulation indexes of Grid Corporation are identified from respects of rates of transmission right which they have and return period of transmission right. Then regulation menu is designed. The behavior of generation company and Grid Corporation could be monitored effectively by monitoring the index and the market would be run normally. |