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Research On The Evaluating The Intiuence Of Safety Culture On Safety Behavior In Power Gridenterprises

Posted on:2011-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360305952751Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The electric industry is the foundation of national economy. It will have a great influence on the economy development and social stability in case there is an accident in the electric industry. The construction of the safety culture has an active influence on the safety operation of power grid enterprise, so we need to give a deep research on the relationship between safety culture and safety behavior.First, the relationship between safety culture and safety behavior is analyzed in the paper. Then, combined with the realities of power grid enterprises an improved index system of the influence of safety culture on safety behavior is introduced based on the previous studies. What's more, an assessment model using the cloud model is set up which abandons the hard division. It uses cloud transform method to get the level (concept) classification and reflects the data distribution characteristics better. The empirical analysis shows that the model is not only feasible and effective, but also can dig out more valuable information.
Keywords/Search Tags:safety culture, safety behavior, cloud model, power grid enterprises
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