As Chinese government carries on the policy to promote the development of Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Guarantee Institutions for SMEs are established nationwide and a newly-born industry has come into being. The paper summary the research of domestic and foreign scholars about the SMEs credit guarantee and find that, While rapid development,there are a series of question about the Small-Medium Enterprises credit guarantee institution (SCGI) in system, management as well as environment. The ssence these questions is the sustainable operation capacity of SCGI. The very few scholars discuss the SMEs guarantee development from the sustainable management viewpoint. Therefore the paper discusses the characteristic, the influence factor, ability appraisal and the way choice on the SCGI.For the industrial enterprises sustainable development, the innovative research of this paper as follows:The paper first analysis production mechanism about SMEs credit guarantees with credit rationing in information economics. From the development process, then summarizes the development present situation as well as the existence question of SMEs credit guarantee with the literature search and the comparison method, andpoints out the necessity of the SCGI sustainable operations. Next, Based on the supposition of continually management in accounting, summarizes the sustainable operations of credit guarantee and the factor influencing sustainable operations of credit guarantee with the canonical parse and the induction method. Then the paper attempt to establishe the SCGI evaluation model on its sustainable business capacity and and select Grey Clustering to analysis a case. This measure results indicate that this model not only suits to estimate the overall capacity of SCGI sustainable operarions, but can also find the key aspects sustainable operation capacity, and thus knew how to improve these aspects. Finally, this article offers some path choices for SMEs to realize the sustainable operation. |