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The Design, Synthesis And Application Of BODIPY Dyes With Special Functional Groups

Posted on:2016-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
BODIPY dyes have many favorable photophysical properties, such as high extinction coefficient, high fluorescence quantum yields, facile derivatization and good photostability, so they have gained much attention from researchers. The structures of BODIPY dyes decide their properties and functions. In the paper, we focus on three aspects in application. Herein, we successfully design, synthesize and characterize a series of BODIPY dyes.In the second part of this paper, we synthesize a BODIPY dimer with 5-(quinolin-2-yl) thiophen-2-yl (TQ) substituted at meso-phenyl position. Selectively binding between Fe3+ and TQ significantly suppresses the excitation energy transfer and results in fluorescence quenching in aqueous solution. So TQ-BDP can be used as a fluorescence probe for Fe3+In the third part of this paper, we synthesize the corrole-BODIPY conjugate and Ir-corrole-BODIPY conjugate using the click chemistry. BODIPY, as the antenna, transfers energy to the core chromphore, which imitates the mechanism of nature chlorophyll. So it can be used as a promising photo-sensitizer for solar cells. With the efficient energy transfer from BODIPY to corrole, the fluorescent intensity of corrole-BODIPY and phosphorescence of Ir-corrole-BODIPY are enhanced, which are appealing properties for many applications.In the fourth part of this paper, we synthesize Pt-BODIPY conjugates which can be used as photo-sensitizers for photo-dynamic therapy. Combination of Platinum Complexes and BODIPYs may combine their advantages and construct "win-win cooperation" between the two moieties which can enrich methods for cancer treatment.
Keywords/Search Tags:BODIPY, fluorescence probes, energy, transfer, photo dynamic therapy
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