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Study Of Metropolitan Urban System Development And Evolution Mechanisms

Posted on:2011-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Metropolitan area is the result of industrialization and urbanization, which is the embodiment of centralization and radiation effects that the metropolis is developing to a corporate area. Fabricating the city as the core of the metropolitan area, and to promoted the integration of spatial and economic development, and creating a compact integration of symbiotic region is the innovative issues of Chinese urban spatial pattern.First, we conducted a scientific definition of metropolitan area, which is the outcome being of the development of urban and region economy. Metropolitan area is the economic body with highly integration of economy and society, appearing after that the regional economic development achieves a certain level, which takes central cities as leading factor and the city rating system as the basic. The metropolitan area has characteristic property of concentration, compound and obvious border, whose inherent structure has dynamic characteristic also. The metropolitan area model contains three basic elements:powerful central city;perfect city system and intensely economic connections among these cities.Secondly, we discussed the development and evolution mechanism of metropolitan area that composed of leading mechanism and assistant mechanism. Leading mechanism includes dynamic mechanism, transmission mechanism and realization mechanism. Assistant mechanism includes promotion mechanism and guarantee mechanism. The development and evolution mechanism of metropolitan area contain a main line and two subordinate lines, which compose an inner circulation and two outsides circulations. These circulations promote and influence each other mutually.Finally, an empirical analytical study on metropolitan area's develop evolution is carried out in the dissertation. We summarize the major domestic and international history of the evolution of metropolitan area. Highlighted that construction of metropolitan area will help the cities' entire advantages and enhance regional integrated functions and competitiveness, in the under developed northwest region of China. Lanzhou, as a political, economic, cultural, societal, strategical center of Northwest in China, urban development in the world with the accelerated urbanization, as well as the favorable opportunity of developing the western region, the construction of Lanzhou metropolitan area is imperative. Combining the theory expatiation and demonstration analysis with comprehensive and new statistics data, in virtue of plentiful literature basis of scholar's previous studies, the paper proves the formation and evolution of Lanzhou metropolitan area development, that from several aspects, for instance of the start mechanism, operation mechanism, security mechanism and coordination mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:metropolitan area, urban system, evolutionary mechanism, Lanzhou
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