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Appellations Of Zhao Shuli A Few Questions

Posted on:2001-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360002452198Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article mainly discusses appellations in the novels of ZhaoSliuli who is a celebrated writer at the present age.Appellations are those words and expressions addressing people in communications. They are often connected with people抯 works or relatives, and with their identities, appearations or dispositions. The appellations in ZhaoShuli抯 novels can be classified as relative appellations, pan-relative appellations and appellations used in social contact. Then the appellations used in social contact can also be classified as names, nicknames, personal pronouns, appellations about identities or professions, appellations about official positions, depicting appellations, distinguishing appellations, and abusing appellations.Zhaoshuli write his novels primarily serving the peasantry, so, the appellations in his novels have some features. First, simple and clear. The appellations mainly come from peasants?spoken language, and for some special appellations, ZhaoShuli ofen explain their meanin~ carefully. Second, true and suitable. The appellations accord with peasants?customs of addressing, and with every person抯 feeling and thought. Third, vivid and lifelike.This can be clearly seen in nicknames and depicting appellations.Fourth, humorous and jocular. The writer applies all kinds of rhetoric methods in his appellations. Finally, the forms are graceful. The appellations are in perfect hamony and rhythm.The appellations in ZhaoShuli抯 novels are also the marks of society and history. First, the appellations about identitie s and official positions can report the locus of history. Second, the appellations can also reflect the distinctive region features of Shanxi province. For example, reflecting people抯 lives in poverty, reflecting people抯 warm and sincere attitude toward guests, reflecting the ardently love of people for local opera. Finally, the appellations can make people抯 feudal ideology known. Different appellations symbolize people抯 different identities and status;some abusing appellations such as 搤~k攊ndicate a kind of exclusiveconcept in some people抯 mind;and the fact that women can not use their names mirrors the lower status of them.
Keywords/Search Tags:appellationreative appellationpan-relative appellationappellation used in social contact
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