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A Study On The Countermeasures Of China 's Clean Development Mechanism In The Post - Kyoto Times

Posted on:2016-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206330470468025Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On a global scale, Extreme climate changes caused by excessive emissions of greenhouse gases are threatening human survival and development In order to solve the global problem of climate change, many countries of the world united and cooperated, in 1990, the UN General Assembly established the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a framework Convention on climate change, and in 1992, the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change had been adopted, principle-related provisions to the greenhouse gas emission reduction activities, to lay the legal basis for addressing climate change issues for countries. In 1997, the third meeting of the parties to the Convention was held in Kyoto, Japan, and adopted the< united nations framework convention on climate change> Kyoto Protocol, this file not only developed specific, legally binding emission reduction targets for developed countries, but also provided the clean development mechanism, joint implementation, emissions trading and greenhouse gas emission reduction mechanism.Since the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol, CDM had made great contribution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the world, but because of the problems inherent in the clean development mechanism and the current climate talks stalled, the CDM market slump. In order to solve the problem of the clean development mechanism, and promote the targets of the clean development mechanism to be achieved, this paper main from the overview and theory based of CDM, the practice status and practice problem of CDM in our country, the causes analysis of problems of CDM in our country and the countermeasures to perfect CDM to research and discussion.For the present problems of the clean development mechanism, this paper argues that we should from three aspects:the legislation idea, the relationship between government and market and the improvement of the unilateral project to seek countermeasures. The author thinks that one of the most important legislation countermeasure is to perfect the unilateral project. In the fourth part of this article, the author suggests that unilateral project the perfection of various system should mainly from perfecting the unilateral reductions of circulation procedure, improve the body of the unilateral project, build the unilateral project financing mechanism, perfecting the unilateral project intermediary service system four aspects to be discussed, these measures can effectively make up for the legislative defects of the clean development mechanism, single side projects, promote the development of the unilateral project help clean development mechanism in China out of dilemma.
Keywords/Search Tags:The clean development mechanism, The basic theory, Legal relationship, Practice, Countermeasures
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