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On The Functions Of The Government And The Conversion

Posted on:2001-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Z ZhouFull Text:PDF
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A new reform of government meclianism,foctis on the transform- ing of resi5onsibilities,is going on thoughout our country To make the transfor- mation true,iirst of ail,it's necessary to have a clear idea about the concept oi government's responsibilities, which include it's properties .classification of its types basic functions of government ,as well as administrative operating func- tions At the same tirne,try to make out what the transforming of government's responsibilities and its significance together with its contents. Under the present conditions of socialist market economy government and enterprise's seperation and government's economic responsibilities transtormation are especially in pttatit and urgent in this aspect. From the angle of eeonomy,this text put empha- sis the stress on analysing the government's responsibilities ,expounding that in the process of market's advancing ur government has to carry various econom- Lc rdsponsibilities :one is bearing the general responsibilities so as to make up for the inherent defects of market: 1. keeping the development of national economy as comprehensive and balanced as stable and harmonized. 2. keeping the maket rnonoooly witntn nuts. 3. compersating and correcting economic outer effects 4. orgnizing and realizing the supiy of public products . 5. reguiating the distribu- ion of income and property. 6. drawing a clear line between the main body's property right and interest. One is undertaking the periodic economic rcsponsibil- tries in order to boost the transformation towards market economy:1. replacing market partially 2. fostering market. 3. enchaneing the market reform . Arother is taking the special economic responsibilities to be adjusted to the national condi- tions :1. strengthening the control on the population. 2. intensifying the precau- tion against environmental pollution . 3. broadening the invest on foundamental facilities. 4. relaxing the ressure of employment. 5. restricting the spliting up be- tween the rich and the poor.
Keywords/Search Tags:government's responsibilities, transformation of responsibil-ities the process of market advacing, Chinese government variety of economic re-sponsibilities
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