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Trend Of Mixed International Bank And China's Commercial Banks Operating Mode Selection

Posted on:2002-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhuangFull Text:PDF
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Nowadays, the banking business is developing from divisionaloperations to mixed operations, which has become the developmentirend ofthe world economy. A universal bank ~vith mixed operations has constitutedthe orientation of international banking development. With the advent ofChina's accession to the WTO, globalization of the world economy,increasingly fierce market competition, spreading application of innovativetechnologies in the banking field and the approaching of China's opening itsbanking sector to the outside world, the banking industiy of China is facingunprecedented challenges. In view of this, based on my five years' practiceand knowledge in banking work and combined ~4th my theories of financeand information accumulated in my daily work, I have proposed to make aresearch on the project of choice of mode of China's commercial bankoperation.In this article, I have first expounded the development trend ofinternational banking industry and the development of universal banks inmajor Western countries. I have particularly analyzed the course ofdevelopment from divisional operations to mixed operations of Americancommercial banks, which have had the most important influence onsupervisory and regulatory policies of China's commercial banks. I have alsorepresented the advantages of universal banks. Through the analysis ofdivisional operation of China's commercial banks and status quo, I havepresented the demand of China's commercial banks for mixed operationsand the immature conditions at present. I have set forth the creative idea ofproviding cross-business services in the divisional operations and proposed,based on the comparison between different modes of universal banks, thatChina's commercial banks adopt the mode of comprehensive financialholding group step by step in mixed operations in the fi.iture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial Bank, Divisional Operation, Mixed Operation
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