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Realistic Choice Of The Integration Of Investment Banking Business In The State-owned Commercial Banks

Posted on:2002-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W D JinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 1980's, some advanced countries, such as the United State, British and Canada, have generally established financial system of mixed operations instead of specialized operations. In that case, more and more financial supermarkets appear while Commercial bank mixing with investment bank becomes the global tendency. Thus, after WTO entry, it is impossible for China to stray off the world financial trend. This essay begins with an analysis on developing trend and operational model of the world banks. After studying and analyzing the mixed operations of our stated-owned commercial banks both in the past and nowadays,the author further puts forward the views on how state-owned commercial banks choose business strategy and model while mixing with investment banks under the present financial system.The author believes that our state-owned commercial banks can establish financial shareholding corporation to realize commercial bank mixing with investment bank in the coming five years after WTO entry. This process will be divided into three phases. In other words, banks and securities firms can mutually operate in one financial shareholding corporation on the condition of centralized supervision and separate responsibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:commercial bank, financial system, investment bank, Financial shareholding corporation, mixed operation, specialized operation
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