The securities market will thoroughly open to the outside, with China become formal member of World Trade Organization(WTO). To our new developing securities market, in order to handle the competitions coming from securities market of advanced country and the enormous impact of international hot money, it is essential that our securities market must constantly ripe and regulatory system must be perfected. However the market participate (include administration and supervision authorities) of our securities market aren't mature. The regulation is neither perfect nor rational and various kinds of illegal incidents emerge constantly on the market .So how to perfect securities regulatory system of our country under opening condition is the center point of this article.This article is divided into four chapters .The first, this article introduce basic conceptions of security regulation and three kinds of securities regulatory system and their advantage or disadvantage are emphatically recommended. The development course of securities regulation and the choice of securities regulation in every country, which is enlightenment to establish the mode of our securities regulation, are introduced. Second, analyze theoretically why government regulate economy. It seems particularly important to regulate the securities market because of its special influence on the economy of one country or the world. The third, the article mainly analyze the meaning, cause and risk of opening of securities market of various countries and the reason, content, principle of international cooperation of securities regulation. The regulation to derivative and securities market under the condition of network and information should be strengthened, with the adoption of new technology and the finance innovates. The fourth, the development course and defects of securities regulation are explained so that we can perfect the securities regulatory system of our country. |