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Securities Market Regulatory System To The Existing Problems And Countermeasures

Posted on:2002-06-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q RenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper focus on the problems of securities market regulation of China. Only ten years, our securities market has a great improvement. Listed stocks are from 0 to 1088. The number of investment person is about 66,000,000. The total value of securities market is more than 50 percent of GDP. Meanwhile, the development of Chinese securities market regulation is not very fast. Only at 1999, the first securities law was put in practice. Because of lacking effective securities regulation, our securities market has plenty of problems which are vital to securities market. So how to improve securities market regulation is a crucial issue for study. The study analyzed the problems of present securities market regulation, proposed some necessary policies. The problems of securities regulation: (1) stock issue not being decided by market (2) inadequate disclosure (3) government intervention (4) lack of credit in securities market The causes of these problem: (I) fa~ development of securities market (2) imperfect of securities regulation system (3) influence of traditional economic mode In order to standardize the securities market regulation, the following policies should be applied: 1. Build a systematized securities regulation system. 2. Improve regulation method of government. 3. Enhance the quality of listed company. 4. Strengthen information disclosure of securities market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Securities Market, Regulation, Policy
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