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Internal Control System. Xx Tech Enterprise

Posted on:2003-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W T MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360092466207Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With deep develogment of China refOrming and oP6ning POIicy, the building of theintemaI contr0l syst6m is very important to the govemment, institutions or enterPhses. Perfectint6mal c0ntr0l syst6m is a f0undation of development of the ent6rPrise. Atter China enteredinto WTO, a lot of f0reign transnationaI cor'P0rations wouId ent6r China continuously. Chineseenter0hses would face the globaI comPetition. SO it is urgent need to buiId Perfect int6malcontr0l system.The paper frst began with the pr0blems of the ent6rPrises in every trade because oflacking intemal contr0I, and the research question---phvate hi-tech enterPrise was f0undthrough anaIyzing the current intemal contr0I researching in the worid. Then it introducedtheory of Cybemetics and Management, the expressing and reasons of ent6rPhses intemalcontr0l fault were ilIustrated with cases, contents of intemal controI syst6m and measures ofhuilding enterPrise's intemaI contr0I were researched out.Combining with the case of XX Co, Ltd, heing analyzed the prohlems of it's internalcontr0I, the author read a Iot of books and did many works in corPoration. The ent6rphseintemal contr0I frame was systematically Provided, the intemaI contr0l reguIations of thecorporation were compiled by organizing employee and at Iast were used in c0r'POration .Thiswas very usefuI for reference. ---...
Keywords/Search Tags:Control Environment, Risk Appraisal, Control Activity, Information and Communication, Monitoring
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