â… .The purpose and significance of this thesisIn the 1980s,with the development of the national economy and deepening of the economic system reform ,especially of the financial system reform ,securities industry sprang up in our country and developed rapidly in the 1990s.At the present time, it has formed a basic frame on large scale. It is necessary to study securities industry deeply and systematically since it has become an important industry in our market economy.However, lacking theoretical basis and research method,the research on our country's securities industry has been at a low level by now.In fact,the theory of industrial organization is a powerful tool for industry research.After many years' development,it has grown up and become one of the most important applied economics.This thesis applies theory of industrial organization to study respectively the market performance and market structure .In the mean time ,this thesis analyses the relationship between market structure and performance in Chinese securities industry from both theoretical and empirical angels. So it is more theoretical, normative and systematical than other general papers.â…¡. Research logic and research method The research logic of this thesis is from generality to specialty and from theoretical principle to real practice. At first,it uses the theory of industrial organization to analyses the present condition of market structure and influence on the performance of security firms.Secondly,on the basis of adequate data, it analyses empirically the relationship between market structure and performance in Chinese securities industry to testify the theoretical analysis above.At last,it draws a conclusion and gives some suggestions.As to research method,this thesis mainly employs logical deduction. It combines theoretical research with empirical research , quality analysis with quantity analysis,normative analysis with positive analysis.â…¢.Main content and viewpointThis thesis is divided into three chapters.Chapter One is the theoretical basis of this thesis.It mainly introduces the basic concept and theoretical frame of theory of industrial organization.It is divided into three parts.Part One introduces the development and main content of theory of industrial organization.Part Two introduces market structure which is one of the main concepts of the theory of industrial organization .It mainly includes the definition ,measurement and classification of market structure.Part Three introduces the of definition performance .It differentiates firm performance from market performance , performance from efficiency and explains the measurement of performance.Chapter Two is the main body of this thesis and is the application and specialization of Chapter One. It consists of four parts.Part One firstly computes the concentration ratio of securities industry with two methods .Then it analyses the present condition,problems,cause and trend of securities industry.It points out that because of many regulations,the concentration ratio is too low and this prevents the improvement of market performance.Part Two mainly analyses the present condition and influential factors of economy of scale of securities industry.It points out that the economy of scale of securities industry isn't obvious under the present market circumstance.Part Three analyses the classification ,characteristics and cause of product differentiation in securities industry.It holds that owing to the restrain of the development stage of market and lacking innovation ,the level of product differentiation is very low.It also discusses the meaning of promotingproduct differentiation in our country's securities industry.Part Four includes the classification, manifestation and influence on market performance of market barriers.It points out that there are so many regulations in securities industry that it causes monopoly profits and affects negatively on market performance.Chapter Three consists of three parts and is the core of this the... |