China is a country characterized by its scanty land resources per capita and sharp conflicts between population and land. It is, then, of special importance how the utility of land resources can be enhanced in a country where 7% of the world's total arable land is exploited to support 25% of the total population. The target model of China's economic system reform is the establishment of a socialist market economy in which resources are primarily allocated by the market. This facilitates better accessibility to information, lower transaction cost and higher operational efficiency. Land is an important production factor, whose profit, like that of other production factors and economic resources in the society, should only be maximized via marketization.The present circulation of land use-right in the country co-initiated by farmers' willingness and the government's encouragement, while having been inaugurated in China, has aroused many problems as well, such as the low marketization in circulation of the contracting management rights of land, and the non-marketization in circulation of the use-right of collective building land. These result in the confusing management and low utility of land resources in the country. The reason lies primarily in that the present allocation of land resources is not a market-based one, in other words, the land use-right circulation is pushed forward or prohibited mainly by collective groups with their administrative powers, and a system which allocates land resources in accordance with the market mechanism is not yet established. This is retarding the economic growth in China's rural areas. Thus, the circulation of land use-right in the country, particularly the realization of its market circulation, is crucial to hundreds of millions of farmers in China, and the research on some feasible and efficient means of land-resource allocation is of great theoretical and practical significance.This thesis, through field surveys and extensive documentation, makes a profound and systematic analysis of the circulating marketization of land use-right in China's rural areas, by integrating theories with practice, norms with demonstrations, and qualitative methods with quantitative. Probing into the status quo of the land use-right circulating market in rural areas characterized by unbalanced supply and demand, nonstandard operation, unscientific management, and serious torts, it argues that, as the circulating marketization of land use-right in rural areas is an external requirement of China's development of socialist market economy, it is of imperative necessity to exercise the reform in this regard. It then elaborates on the feasibility ofallocating land use-right in the market by means of institutional economics and modern theories of land property right, and demonstrates the reality basis for the marketized allocation, including the land supply-and-demand market, existing policies and regulations, and general surroundings of the economic system. By an analysis of the various factors that tend to retard the circulating marketization of land use-right in rural areas, it puts forward the corresponding strategies and measures, including the establishment of a property-right system that favors the marketized circulation, the perfection of the land market, and the accomplishment of the operational mechanisms and supporting policies; it attempts to reveal the objective rules for optimizing the allocation of land resources in rural areas in the light of China's specific reality, thereby offering theoretical reference to the comprehensive circulating marketization of land use-right in the country. The thesis concludes that a marketized circulating mechanism of land use-right in rural areas, regulated primarily by the market and secondarily by the government, is a must for innovating the land circulation system in the country and rectifying the confusing management and low utility of land at present.The paper is creative mainly in two ways. First, in its perspective of research, it breaks the t... |