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Study Of The Development Of Civil Society In China

Posted on:2008-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360215450267Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the recent 20 years, civil society becomes a world research topic. Under different culture and social background, people use the term of civil society to express the different theory tells and realistic concerns. In China, since 1990s, with the setting-up and development of the socialist market economy system, the whole Chinese society has entered a great change, great period of making the transition. Some phenomena which are similar to the western civil society have appeared in the social field, and the civil society of China begins to rise. The rise of civil society has prominent positive meanings in the changes which China manages, and modernized realization. But because civil society of China starts relatively late, the development is not ripe enough, and a lot of problems exist, this needs the country and society to make great efforts to develop, improve it.This text tries hard through the social science real example method, tracking dynamically and method of describing and analyzing to combine together, on the basis of the investigation of the western theory of civil society, based on the history and the reality after reform and opening-up of China, to discuss the development of the contemporary civil society in detail. This text is mainly divided into five seals. Chapter one introduces briefly development course, basic theories of civil society and research state in recent years in China. Chapter two introduces briefly the production and forming process of Chinese civil society, for the purpose of announcing historical background and social condition that it appears. Chapter three mainly explains why China will develop civil society. Chapter four analyzes the factors which restrict the development of civil society in China; Chapter five proposes the main routes to develop civil society of China, based on restrain factors of development from chapter four.
Keywords/Search Tags:civil society, market economy, democratic politics, awareness of citizens, folk organization
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