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Review Of The North Korean Nuclear Issue With The Chinese Government Countermeasures

Posted on:2011-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360305468501Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The North Korea nuclear crisis which broke out in the 1990s has lasted for a long time. During the nearly two decades, the repeatedly outbreak of the crisis has had a wide-ranging impact on us. And therefore, the North Korea nuclear crisis has always been the focus of both the scholars and the governments. It is well known that North Korea and China are closely related and mutually dependent, so the crisis concerns a lot about China's security and its diplomacy, which also makes it a key issue the Chinese government must attach great importance to.In 2002, the North Korea nuclear crisis was initiated once again after the first one in the 1990s and then the US and North Korea were in tight situation. The causes of the crisis are complex. The contest of strength between the US and North Korea has a profound background. The way of seeking solutions to the peace problem between the two countries is full of twists and turns. As a result of the cold war, the outbreak of the crisis is not accidental but has its deep historical root and the realistic causes. It is the extension of the nuclear crisis in early 1990s and is also initiated by the US-DPRK conflicts in the new international environment. The outbreak of North Korea nuclear crisis has caused a great shock:it initiates various kinds of hidden contradictions in the Northeast Asia areas, which has a great negative impact on the pattern of the entire Northeast Asia, particularly on the international situation after the cold war.China, which has a special historical relationship with North Korea, has varied foreign policies at different periods. Specifically speaking, China's nuclear policy has undergone two adjustments:it changes from "spectator-based" to "moderate intervention" and then shifts to "active mediation". The adjustments are made mainly because China has a new understanding of itself and aslo because other countries such as North Korea and the US have played a significant role.China plays a constructive role in the process of solving the North Korean nuclear crisis, which has had a positive influence:from the "tripartite talks" to the "six-party talks", from the DPRK-US confrontation to their dialogue and from the chairman's statement to the joint document released. But because of its unique role in solving the crisis, it deeds will receive certain limitations inevitably. And therefore, there is still a long way to go to make substantive progress in this diplomatic matter.Looking into the future tendence of the North Korean nuclear crisis, three possible situations are predicted in this paper:the crisis may receive a peaceful settlement through bilateral or multilateral negotiations; the US may impose economic sanctions on North Korea, even attack its military facilities and as a result, a local war may be initiated in Northeast Asia areas; both the US and North Korea would not compromise to each other, which may lead to a protracted state of the crisis and finally North Korea forcibly breaks the nuclear threshold and become the real holder of nuclear weapons. As host of the six-party talks, China will continue its efforts to adjust its strategy according to the specific situations in the coming years and finally make the crisis be resolved completely in the direction that is favorable to China, the world peace and its harmonious development.
Keywords/Search Tags:The North Korea nuclear crisis, "Spectator-based", Active mediation, Tendence, Strategy
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