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Research On The Mode Of Family Education In School Support In Large Community

Posted on:2013-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D C BianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330374458312Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rise of Great Education Concept and the reform of education management system, parents’participation in school education management also becomes the focal topic during the process of education reform and development. As a public organization, big community supporting schools have developed and changed a lot in the school management environment. Parents, the school service object (the student’s legal guardian), have more attention and higher demand to the public service condition of school than before; parents have paid more attention to the embodiment of public rights and interests as being served by the school; parents have put forward demand on the right to know, to participate, to supervise, and to advise in the school education management. It needs school to change the current closed organization management mode, open wide the door for education, and transform to the new open public organization management mode, in which parents, community, and social stakeholders can participate in management and supervise management.As a public organization, for its better positive development, school also needs to integrate all of the high quality resources for its use. Community, especially the family, is the most reliable, selfless and inexhaustible quality resources in the development of the school. Because all for children is the common goal of the three parties, especially for the school and the parents, two communities of interests runs school hand in hand for the sake of students. Reasonably maximum in developing parents, which is the quality resource of the development of school organization, is the ultimate demand of every school. Harmonious Development Management Committee in Beijing Jingshan Yuanyang Branch School is a very good explanation for this idea.In many developed countries, parents’participation in school management has been recognized and supported by most school administrators, teachers, parents, and the society. And in practice it plays a positive effect in promoting the school organization development and improving education management efficiency. In our country, the research and practice in parents’participation in school education management is still in the stage of exploration.The author takes the perspective of one of the administrators of Beijing Jingshan Yuanyang Branch School, using the method of case study, comparative research, interview, questionnaire, and theoretically hackles the formation, practice, and characteristics of the mode of the three parties’joint ventures (harmonious development management committee, especially family’s participation in school education management); compares and analyzes the present situation and achievements in this research field of domestic and international, and analyzes several common management mode in the parents’participation in school management; summarizes the exploration experience of Harmonious Development Management Committee in Beijing Jingshan Yuanyang Branch School during five years. This kind of school organization management mode really realizes the parents’participation in school education management, maximizes the use of school education quality resources, and forms the relatively successful new mode of modern education management.Through the case and data analysis, this paper discusses the confusion and gleam in the practice, and finds the drawbacks caused by the loopholes in management, such as loose structure, laggard supervision system, and so on. It puts forward reasonable suggestions and management measures, and provides the dependent management path for the mode of parents’participation in school management through the harmonious development management committee.
Keywords/Search Tags:harmonious development management committee, parents committee, interest community
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