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A Study On The Influence Of "Luo Lu" Culture On The Reproductive Behavior Of Yi People

Posted on:2015-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H ZiFull Text:PDF
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The population problem has been facing serious problems in our country, with the continuous development of society, the population problem of is no longer a single population is numerous, but into a complex compound of social problems, including an aging population, sex ratio imbalance, and the old before rich, environmental pollution, resource crisis and so on. In this context, studies the change of population birth behavior is particularly important.This article mainly habitat in chuxiong yi nationality autonomous prefecture yao village as an example, the investigation and study of "Luo Lu" cultural influence on yi’s fertility behavior, the influence of careful analysis process, the result of the influence, analyzed under the background of "Luo Lu" culture, yi population reproductive condition, yi people to predict the future trend of fertility, reasonable population policies for the development of yi nationality areas to provide the corresponding information.First, this paper introduces the meaning of "Luo Lu" culture, content."Luo Lu" refers to a branch of the yi people, is a habitat in chuxiong yi nationality autonomous prefecture yao village of yi people claim to be, is a local yi said, according to the yi language pronunciation, direct Chinese translation, some places also translated as "Rolls-Royce", according to the research and analysis, the clan name directly from the yi people’s worship of totem culture, is the habitat yao YiCun totem worship,"luo" refers to the meaning of the tiger,""refers to the dragon, the local yi people worship the dragon and tiger, claimed to be a dragon. And many of the yi nationality in yunnan region also claim to be "Rolls-Royce","luo luo" here refers to the tiger. After liberation, with the "yi" as a general term for yi ding yi."Luo Lu" culture is refers to the yi nationality culture, but from the perspective of subtle, specific cultural customs can’t equate."Luo Lu" clan culture accurate should refer to "Luo Lu" in the yi branch of culture, contains two parts of contents:on the one hand, is "Luo Lu" yi branches, cultural practices, on the other hand, in which contains a small number of yi’s culture as a whole."Luo Lu" as a branch of yi people, one of the more or less or less continuation, inherited and accepted the culture of the yi people’s overall unity, with the liberation of all RACES yi says the unification, natural and cultural practices by the fusion of each other. Of course, the main part or "Luo Lu" branches, its own cultural customs, the author divided into traditional and modern two points are studied. Analysis from the narrow, is actually "Luo Lu" yi. And this article mainly from the perspective of the lineage "Luo Lu", to analyze and research, mainly in chuxiong yi nationality autonomous prefecture yao village as an example.Second, in the process of investigation and study, following the method of combining theory and practice of specific USES literature research and interview method, under the guidance of the theory, the author through to visit investigation, analysis of "Luo Lu" culture, the specific content of the access to the habitat in yao village yi population fertility desires and fertility behavior of concrete, then analysis and research on "Luo Lu" under the influence of culture of yi nationality population childbearing and fertility behavior change.Finally, by collating relevant data analysis "Luo Lu" culture of yi nationality population reproductive effects of specific situation, influence and the way in which "Luo Lu" under the influence of culture, in a habitat yao village of yi nationality population birth behavior of main features. According to the results obtained from the yi nationality population forecast analysis on reproductive behavior for the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Luo Lu" culture, the Yi nationality, Fertility culture
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