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A Study On Evaluating Students' Ability To Solve Physical Problems With PTA Scale

Posted on:2017-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D L GaoFull Text:PDF
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Raise question is an important part of Scientific Research, it plays a key role in many aspects of Scientific Research. Based on the previous studies, there are four common physics situations are designed based on the experiment life, science and technology situation eventually formed formal questionnare. The score of questionnare was used PTA scale of raising questions of making designs of my own. Taking country level high school students for research objects to carry out investigation and study, to arrive at characteristic of high school students’ ability to raise questions. The study shows that:(1)On the whole seeing:Senior High School Students’ level of the asking physics question ability is on the low side. Going against to develop other level of Scientific Research.(2)Most of the students could ask on the average of 1-2 "shallow level" questions according to the situation. They have question awareness but the level of open-minded is on the low side,even some students couldn’t ask any questions.(3)Different two level indicators of "quality of raise question" have different performance.Most students can ask questions which closely linked with situation, meaning that they have high ability to raise "correlation" questions. Only a few students can excavate situational connotation,asking questions from many different perspectives, asking questions with exploration value,asking deep thinking questions. Meaning that they have low ability to ask "flexibility", "inquiry" and "deep nature" questions.(4)Students level of "quality of represent questions" is on the high side, they could clearly represent questions and make language pithy.(5)Country level senior high school students’ ability to ask physics questions have obvious differences between schools in statistics, this is related to the students’ thinking level, learning environment and learning habits.(6)Country level senior high school students’ ability to ask physics questions have no obvious gender differences.Finally, on the basis of above researches, giving advice on the training of students’ ability to raise physics questions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ability to raise questions, PTA scale, Present situation, Investigation and study
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