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Culture Studies Of The Quality Of High School Students Thinking In Resolving Physical Problems

Posted on:2007-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360212470146Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the further development of the physics education reform, how to train the capability of the students' thinking in science, and the ability for analyzing and solving real problems has become the hot point. Although our students have learned physical knowledge a lot, they still can't solve the specific problems smoothly. To improve the students' ability of solving problems and the thought quality, the researcher has done four maneuverability quantitative study after he earnestly analyzes the present condition of the ability of solving problems and the thought quality.The behavior study in thought quality and ability of the senior high school students: the thought quality mainly contains five characteristics, namely profundity, agility, critics, creativity, and smartness. The objective standard of the thought quality in physics is easy to definite and record. The development of physical thought quality is an important symbol to distinguish the students' thought ability.The sexual difference study in the physical thought quality of the senior high school students: the boys and the girls have no obvious difference in critics, and in profundity, the boys have slight advantage compared with the girls. The agility of the boy's thought is obviously stronger than the girls.The study and application of the inside thought strategy question card in resolving the physics problems: In the process of resolving physics problems, by taking the measures of ego hint, the ego questioning, the ego answering, and ego evaluation, the researcher has made the outside request in the students become the inside and self-conscious activity and promoted the ability of thinking and solving problems.The study on the strategy of the thought quality training in solving physics...
Keywords/Search Tags:physics, the solution of the problems, the thought quality, a case study, a series of research
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