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The Exploration And Practice Of Permeating Thought And Moral Quality Education In The Physics Classroom Teaching In Middle School

Posted on:2007-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D C LuFull Text:PDF
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Middle Schools in our country load double tasks of culture and morality education. Facing the competition, challenges in the field of economy, technology and talented persons, it has become an important subject to be solved quickly for our schools and even the whole society to care about how to improve actual effect in morality education, how to cultivate the new generation who have ideals, morality, culture and discipline as well, and how to make our builders and successors have the spirit of creation and the ability of practice.As physics teachers, it is the teachers' main duty to develop the students' quality in science, and to permeate thought and moral quality education in everyday teaching activities is also necessary. But the fact is that we pay more attention to intellectual education than moral education for a long time. Being a physics teacher in new times, we should further learn these things, make full use of all the resources and opportunities in education to make our citizens versatile and qualified with the direction of the new course belief. I did my exploration and research mainly from the following points:1. The analyses of the reason why thought and moral quality education in physics classroom teaching becomes weak.2. The theories of direction in physics classroom teaching in which thought and moral quality education is permeated.3. The contents, approaches and methods in physics classroom teaching in which thought and moral quality education is permeated.
Keywords/Search Tags:physics teaching, thought and moral quality, exploration, practice
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