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Village Changes In The Process Of Urbanization And Social Support Network Construction

Posted on:2008-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P X WangFull Text:PDF
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Chinese sociological research to Chinese villages may have the longest history in the field. Since the beginning of the rise of sociology in modern China, sociological study which focused on the changes in Chinese villages had been lasting for several decades. Villages are always changing with the times. The development of new changes in the suburban reform 20 years ago was undoubtedly the main study subject during that time. And 20 years later, the construction for new suburban villages provided a new subject for research. Compared to these changes, the Urbanization has brought more dramatic and more profound changes in villages. This context is to study comparatively two special villages which were produced by Urbanization. They are suburban villages and urban villages. The goal of this article is to show the changes in the villages which were brought by the process of Urbanization in comparative analysis.The author selected a suburban village and an urban village in his hometown as typical cases for his research. The field survey is the main method used to collect data. In the field survey, the author went into the two villages, and obtained the materials and detailed information by means of deeply interviews and observations. In this article, the author will compare the information of the two cases in order to show the changing process of the villages in small and medium-sized cities lively.The full text of this paper is divided into five parts: Chapter 1 is the introduction which was mainly to explain the background of the problem, the institute for research on the significance and the methods used.In chapter 2, the first part is to define the concept of Urbanization and to introduce the two modes of Urbanization: Passive mode of Urbanization and urban initiative mode. The next is to explain in the theoretical basis of this study: Field Theory and Rational Choice Theory. In the perspective of Bourdieu's Field Theory, urban villages and suburban villages as non-agricultural communities or semi-non-agricultural communities have come to the village's unique form which offers a unique perspective for us to recognize these two groups as Community Villages. There are full of games among different interest groups in the two different fields. The progress of game reflects the rational choices of different gamers. In the final part of that chapter, the author reviewed the relevant studies. Because of the two types of comparison, the document is divided into two parts: the first part is the demonstration of the research in urban villages. And the second review is the research in villages on the outskirts of cities. At the same time of the review of the relevant literatures, this study points out the differences between them.Chapter 3 is the comparison of the two cases, which would reproduce the process of the changes of villages in Urbanization. Suburban villages and urban villages are the products of the Urbanization and they are inextricably linked. There are many similar or identical parts between them: the native community, the idea structure and the basic rules of social intercourse which still widely exist in the small and medium-sized cities in the process of Urbanization. Village Collective Economic Organizations was with considerable authority in villages and in villagers. The villagers continue to closely rely on the village collectives which have the Collective Economic Organizations as the core. A strong country flavor and the strong cohesion of Village Collective Economic Organizations had created unique "village units".Though both are the product of Urbanization, they are two different types of villages. Suburban villages and urban villages are the concrete forms at different times. All the urban villages have experienced the pattern of being a village on the outskirts of a city. However, a village on the outskirts of a city would not necessarily become an urban village. The reason for that distinction is that the two different models of Urbanization. Thrust in the role of government, the villages around the city will be drowned rapidly because of the absence of a thorough transformation of the villagers and spending, thereby creating an urban village. Urban villages are going on in a passive mode of Urbanization which is called "urban city buildings". The villages surrounding the city which is not thrust in by government take advantages of their geographical advantages initiatively to be closer to the city. A village on the outskirts of a city is produced by the model which is named "encircling the cities from the urban areas". Suburban villages and urban villages are two different fields, and they are different in the size of their collective assets, in the operating mode, in the level of employment and in the model of pension management. Viewed from the results, a village on the outskirts of a city's collective asset allocation is more reasonable than that of an urban village. The villages on the outskirts of a city transformed more easily than the urban villages. What's worse, on the aspects of the relocation and transformation in the collective asset allocation, Village interests of the urban villagers were relatively deprived of even more serious.Chapter 4 offers some ideas and suggestions to solve the problem of the villages on the outskirts of a city and urban villages. It included that in the process of using lands in suburban villages and the transformation of urban villages, we should uphold the principles of openness and fairness and protect the interests of villagers; We should establish a system of social endowment insurance and minimum living expenses and other related systems in suburban villages and urban villages as soon as possible; Also we need to strengthen macro-control, to promote market development, to achieve full employment of the villagers, and to start the community building in view of the issue in urban villages.In the conclusion of the thesis, through a comprehensive comparative analysis, the writer argues that the problems of urban village left by the rapid Urbanization will damage to villagers to a greater extent than that of the villages on the outskirts of a city. During the game of interest among the government, the villages collective and the villagers, the government and the villages collective should make a greater profit concession in order to earnestly safeguard the interests of the villagers of urban villages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urbanization, urban villages, suburban villages, social support network
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