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Study, Based On The Value Chain Hotel Competitive Advantage

Posted on:2006-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D X ZangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209360155966893Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With China's entrance to WTO and the development of globalization and integration, hotel enterprises experienced a process of recognizing and accepting competitive advantages. Hotel enterprises used to get involved in vicious competition, lack of strategic planning and long-term objectives. However, it is competitive advantages that make hotel enterprises win in the competition. Nowadays, hotel enterprises have come to agreement on whether to achieve competitive advantages. At the same time, they have realized the necessity and importance of achieving competitive advantages. But what are the competitive advantages and how to achieve them still puzzled the hotel enterprises, which points out the research direction and fields for academic researchers.Based on the former studies, the paper will try to apply the theory of value chain into hotel industry. According to the generic theory of value chain and the specific circumstances of hotel industry, we can generate the specific value chain of hotel enterprises, which is mainly made up of services to the customers, design and development of products, packaging, marketing, CRM and infrastructure, human resource management, technology development and stock management and so on.The paper concentrates on the measures to achieve competitive advantages for hotel enterprises, using the value chain as the analysis tool. Starting from the analysis of basic activities and support activities, the internal relations and the vertical relations, the paper points out how to achieve competitive advantages for hotel enterprises, that is, identify the whole process of value creation for hotel enterprises, make sure and control various value activities, cost impetus and differentiation impetus; reconstruct the value chain of hotel enterprises by use of its relations including horizontal and vertical relations; integrate various value activities by means of diagonal integration.Besides, the paper analyzes the competitive advantages of hotel enterprises quantitatively. According to the generic theory and the specific value chain of hotel enterprises, the paper chooses various indexes and set up fuzzy evaluating model to evaluate the competitive advantages of hotel enterprises quantitatively.The concepts of value chain are comparatively complicated and the paper mainly uses the traditional value chain, which pays little attention to the uses of virtual value chain and value network. Besides this, the paper only puts forwards some methods macroscopically, which needs further studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:hotel enterprises, competitive advantages, value chain, and diagonal integration
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